Saturday, July 5, 2008

Because I know how to operate a savings account Marla and I are taking the little Tylers on vacation this week. I'm sure it will be rife with adventure and peril at every turn. Probably every time I accidentally take the wrong exit off the highway and spend the next 45 minutes trying to get back to it while avoiding Guido the Killer Pimp and those roving bands of street gangs that I've heard so much about on 60 Minutes.

TIP! If you are driving late at night and an oncoming car flashes it's brights DON'T FLASH BACK! It's a gang initiation and if you do they will find you and run you off the road and slash your achiles tendon and totally murder you. It's true, my cousin's nephew's brother's former roommate told me.

I just avoid the whole deal entirely and leave my lights off. That'll show them.

Jack will be here to fulfill your snarky needs.

Happy 4th everybody.


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